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新势力影院-最新热门电影电视剧动漫聚合网为你提供: 汉堡总动员科幻在线观看,【 高清】!
汉堡总动员》Dexter Reed, a high-schooler is force to get a summer job at a fast food restaurant called Good Burger after causing a car wreck by his school teacher Mr. Wheat. So Dexter must ay off his teacher's car by working very hard at Good Burger. Meanwhile things turned worse when Mondo Burger, a mammoth fast-food chain o ens across the street, it looks like Good Burger is soon going to be history for good! Now it is u to Dexter and his new friend Ed the not-so bright cashier to save the day, as they develo a delicious s ecial secret sauce that Ed created brings hundreds of new customers to their door and makes their new com etition des erate to steal the reci e and all of their customers. 本站每天第一时间更新,为您提供 汉堡总动员在线观看,是您观看精彩大片和娱乐学习的好地方!