Plot of the series: In the series “Catherine Season 4 Favorites,” the reign of the Great Empress of Russia, Catherine Alekseevna II, continues. The events take place in 1779, when the queen has been on the throne for seventeen years and has reached the peak of her greatness. Her fame spread not only to neighboring countries, but throughout Europe. Such a nickname as “Great” was assigned to her by the high society of Europe, thanks to the efforts of the influential Princess Dashkova, who was always devoted to Catherine II.
" /> Plot of the series: In the series “Catherine Season 4 Favorites,” the reign of the Great Empress of Russia, Catherine Alekseevna II, continues. The events take place in 1779, when the queen has been on the throne for seventeen years and has reached the peak of her greatness. Her fame spread not only to neighboring countries, but throughout Europe. Such a nickname as “Great” was assigned to her by the high society of Europe, thanks to the efforts of the influential Princess Dashkova, who was always devoted to Catherine II." />Plot of the series: In the series “Catherine Season 4 Favorites,” the reign of the Great Empress of Russia, Catherine Alekseevna II, continues. The events take place in 1779, when the queen has been on the throne for seventeen years and has reached the peak of her greatness. Her fame spread not only to neighboring countries, but throughout Europe. Such a nickname as “Great” was assigned to her by the high society of Europe, thanks to the efforts of the influential Princess Dashkova, who was always devoted to Catherine II.
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